MDS Orbit MCR-4G Technical Manual
MDS 05-6628A01, Rev. B
Launch a terminal communications program, such as HyperTerminal with the following commu-
nication parameters:
115200 bps (default speed), 8 bits, no parity, one stop bit (8N1), and flow
control disabled
. Incorrect parameter settings are a frequent cause of connection difficulties;
Double check to be sure they are correct.
If necessary, an adapter may be used to convert the unit’s RJ-45 serial jack to a DB-9F type (GE
MDS part no. 73-2434A12). If no serial port exist on the PC, a USB-to-serial adapter cable may
also be used to connect to the MCR unit.
Invisible place holder
Figure 10. PC Connection for Programming/Management
Press the
key at half-second intervals to receive the
. This indicates that the
unit is ready to receive commands.
3. At the
prompt, enter
(lower case) and press
4. If no password has been previously set, enter the default password (
) and press
Otherwise, enter the saved password at the
prompt. (Before placing the unit in final
service, it is recommended that the default password be changed to ensure that only authorized
users have access.)
5. After successful login, the command prompt appears where you may configure and manage a
number of unit settings.
3.1.3 Setting Basic Parameters—First Steps
There are three tasks that should be performed after initial startup and connection to a PC, as follows:
1. Create One-Time Programmable passwords for device recovery in the event a password is lost.
2. Change the login passwords.
3. Evaluate the default factory configuration and lock it down to user's required security level.
Tab Completion Feature
Tab-completion is a powerful feature that presents CLI users with assistance while typing. Depending on
the text that was already entered, tab-completion will display different possible completions. When the tab
key is pressed and no text has been entered, the CLI shows all possible commands that can be typed.
PC Running Terminal Session
To COM Port