MDS 05-6628A01, Rev. B
MDS Orbit MCR-4G Technical Manual
display-level 99999999;
history 100;
idle-timeout 1800;
ignore-leading-space false;
output {
file terminal;
paginate true;
prompt1 \u@\h\M \t> ;
prompt2 \u@\h\M \t% ;
screen {
length 24;
width 80;
show {
defaults false;
terminal linux;
[ok][2012-06-19 17:19:12]
admin@(none) 17:19:12>
The different values control different parts of the CLI behavior.
autowizard (true | false)
When enabled, the CLI will prompt the user for required settings when a new identifier is created
and for mandatory action parameters.
For example, the “filename” parameter will be requested from the user since it is mandatory and yet it
was not supplied in the initial request:
admin@(none) 00:09:38% request system firmware reprogram-inactive-image preconfigured-file-server {
configuration_name fs1 }
Value for 'filename' (<string>): fw.pkg
[ok][2012-06-19 00:09:48]
To avoid prompting, it is recommended to disable the autowizard before pasting in a list of
commands. A good practice is to start all such scripts with a line that disables the autowizard:
set autowizard false
set autowizard true
complete-on-space (true | false)
Controls if command completion should be attempted when <space> is entered. Entering <tab>
always results in command completion.
ignore-leading--space (true | false)
Controls if leading spaces should be ignored or not. This is useful to turn off when pasting
commands into the CLI.
history (<integer>)
Size of CLI command history.