MDS 05-6628A01, Rev. B
MDS Orbit MCR-4G Technical Manual
admin@(none) 04:08:19% set pki cert-info certificate-info my_ca_serv
Possible completions:
common-name-x509 -
country-x509 -
digest-algo - Digest Algorithm: default=md5?
encrypt-algo - Encryption Algorithm: default=des_cbc?
locale-x509 -
org-unit-x509 -
organization-x509 -
pkcs9-email-x509 -
state-x509 -
The list above was displayed by entering Space-Tab after entering a name for the new set of
certificate info.
The parameters that must be entered for your CA server must again be obtained from your System
Administration or Security personnel. The common name and selection for digest and encryption
algorithm will always be required. Other parameters may be required.
Here is an example:
admin@(none) 06:37:30> config
Entering configuration mode private
[ok][2012-06-23 06:37:32]
admin@(none) 06:37:32% set pki cert-info certificate-info my_ca_serv organization-x509 “GE MDS
LLC” org-unit-x509 Engineering common-name-x509 00102200000102030411223344556670
digest-algo sha256 encrypt-algo aes128_cbc
[ok][2012-06-23 06:38:34]
admin@(none) 06:38:34%
Generating private key
To have the device generate a private key, the following request must be used:
pki generate-priv-key
The following example shows how to generate a public/private key-pair with identifier DEVKEY:
admin@(none) 21:54:47> request pki generate-priv-key key-size 2048 key-identity DEVKEY
SCEP Certificate Requests
To load certificates via SCEP, the following requests must be used:
get-cacert scep
– To obtain CA certificate chain
get-clientcert scep
– To obtain device/client certificate
The first step is to acquire the CA published public certificate(s):