MDS Orbit MCR-4G Technical Manual
MDS 05-6628A01, Rev. B
Operational Mode
Operational Mode is the initial mode that the CLI is in right after logging in. Users can view operational and
configuration data but cannot change configuration data. The prompt will show a “>” character when it is
in operational mode.
Configuration Mode
Configuration mode is entered when the user types “configure” after logging in. Configuration Mode can
be exited by typing “exit”, which brings the user back to Operational Mode. Configuration data can only be
altered while the user is in Configuration Mode. The prompt will have a “%” character when it is in config-
uration mode.
Changing configuration data
Configuration data can only be changed while the CLI is in Configuration Mode. Changing configuration
requires the two-step process described earlier, where changes can be made first and then must be com-
mitted to complete the process.
Once all the changes have been made, they can be committed using the “commit” command. If there is an
error during the commit due to missing data, conflicting settings, or other issue, then none of the changes
will be committed and the CLI will provide feedback regarding the error. The changes that were pending
will still be pending at that point. This gives the user the opportunity to discard the changes or to modify
them and then try to commit them again.
Inputting values
The format for each node in the data model is encoded in the data model itself. The CLI enforces the user
input to be compliant to that format. There are several different formats of input, including numerics,
strings, and limitations on the range and length of input. The CLI will provide assistance to the user when
inputting values when the tab-completion feature is used (see Tab-completion section below).
The example below shows the “possible completions” when the TAB key is pressed after the word “loca-
tion”. In this case, the node “location” can take a value that is a string with 0-255 characters.
admin@(none) 00:56:26%
set system location
Possible completions:
<string, min: 0 chars, max: 255 chars>
admin@(none) 00:56:26%
set system location “Rochester, NY”
[ok][2012-06-19 00:56:49]
admin@(none) 00:56:49%
Inputting a list of values
A node can take a list of values if it has been defined that way in the data model. The CLI will indicate a
node can take a list by displaying a bracket [, as shown below at the end of the possible completions infor-
mation. Items in the list are separated by a space character.
This example shows that there are three ways to input values to a list node:
1. Without brackets, the value will be appended to the existing list
2. With brackets, for a list that contains one value: “ [ gemds ] ”