MDS 05-6628A01, Rev. B
MDS Orbit MCR-4G Technical Manual
Station Mode
The following shows status when connected to a configured AP. Note that in this case
the AP (
, id is the bssid).
admin@(none) 00:52:24> show interfaces interface Wi-Fi wifi-status
wifi-status mode Station
wifi-status ssid somessid
wifi-status privacy “”
wifi-status channel 6
wifi-status tx-power 15
wifi-status bssinfo-0 “id: 4c:e6:76:50:85:32, inactive: 89750, rx bytes: 206463, rx packets: 1766, tx
bytes: 1135, tx packets: 13, tx retries: 0, tx failed: 0, tx bitrate: 65, signal: -13, authorized : yes, authen-
ticated : yes”
[ok][2012-06-19 00:52:34]