Table of Contents
Centauri user manual revision level 01 /2007
Remote Control using Software
The Merk II can be remote-controlled using a PC with the Windows 95/ 98/ME/ NT/2000
operating systems. For this purpose special PC remote control software is included in the
scope of delivery.
Figure 9:
The main window of the MERK II remote control software
There must be a connection between PC and MERK II – either via a serial RS232-
interface or via Internet Protocol (IP).
Remote Control via RS232 Interface
The following are required for remote-controlling the MERK II via a serial RS232 interface:
PC with RS232 interface
9-pole zero modem cable (included in scope of delivery)
The MERK II RS232 interface uses the following parameters:
Baud rate: 9600, 19200, 38400 (delivery condition) 57600, 115200
Data bits: 8
Stop bits: 1
Parity: none
Protocol: none
At the first Start the remote control software scans by default serial port 1
automatically (works settings). If the MERK II is controlled by one of the serial
interfaces 2 to 8, the number of the ports to be scanned must be increased in
the remote control menu item EXPERT OPTIONS correspondingly.
Remote Control via IP
The Merk II can also be remote-controlled via the network interface card via Internet
Protocol. For this it must simply be started on any PC within the network and the network
address or the name of the MERK II must be entered. The remote control software then
creates a Windows socket connection to the MERK II via Internet Protocol.
The following is needed for remote-controlling the MERK II via IP:
PC with 10 Mbit/s or 100 Mbit/s Ethernet
IP protocol installed
IP network and normal RJ45 network cable
For controlling via IP, the MERK II must be given a free IP address that corresponds to the
sub-network mask of your network. Where larger networks are concerned the user should
in all events contact the network administrator.
Example for assigning an IP Address:
A MERK II should be operated on a network where the following applies:
The IP Addresses to have already been assigned
The sub-network mask is
The Merk II should contain IP Address 192. 168.1.101