Model: MC-1-DE
Doc Ref. No:-m05dom102
Issue No:-00
User’s Manual
Page 40 of 76
8.2.4 Serial Time Frame Command:
Command: TC2x [Serial frame Command]
Applicable Options: TC21 / TC22/ TC23 (Please refer ‘H’ Command menu for applicable meanings of
mentioned options)
The serial terminal of GPS TIME SYNC UNIT MC-1-DE allows the time format in three different ways:
NMEA format, NGTS format and T-format. These formats are explained in upcoming chapters. These
commands are:
TC21: NMEA mode
TC22: T-format mode
TC23: NGTS mode
Remember that T-format and NMEA sends the time frame each second while the NGTS sends the
time frame each minute.
8.2.5 Additional Event’s Command:
The additional two event signals are available at the terminal strip on the Front panel of GPS TIME
SYNC UNIT MC-1-DE. User can configure these opto-relays through serial port for time ranging from
1 to 86400 seconds individually for separate event outputs. User can configure their Time period as
well as their ON time through serial port.
Time Period limit: 1 to 86400 seconds
(0 values are to inhibit/stop particular event output).
ON time limit: 50 milliseconds (min.) to 50% (max.) of particular event time period. Ensure that ON
time value of all additional events are to be entered in milliseconds.
Whenever the new time period is set, the new event timing counter will start from the very next minute
and the contact will be energized after the settable time for that particular event. Please ensure to
switch power of the instrument OFF and ON once if the event time period settings are changed. Command: ETx
Applicable Options: ET1 / ET2 (Please refer ‘H’ Command menu for applicable meanings of men-
tioned options)
This command is used to configure Time Period of Additional Events. These Events can be confi-
gured to trigger at every second to every 86400 seconds (24 hr.). These configuration commands are
listed below:
Additional Event1
Additional Event2 Command: EWx
Applicable Options: EW1 / EW2 (Please refer ‘H’ Command menu for applicable meanings of men-
tioned options)
This command is used to configure ON Time of Additional Events. These Events can be configured to
stay ON for a minimum 50 millisecond to 50% of its period. These configuration commands are listed
EW1: Event1 ON Time
EW2: Event2 ON Time
1. If user has to configure event1 at every 60 seconds interval with pulse ON time width of 50 milli-
seconds of event time, below values are to configured for event1 output.