Model: MC-1-DE
Doc Ref. No:-m05dom102
Issue No:-00
User’s Manual
Page 44 of 76
The user is allowed to change propagation delay. The command for changing propagation delay is:
The default propagation delay is 0 ns. Suppose, user wishes to change it to 500 ns, then the com-
mand will be:
SPD500 and then press enter.
Remember that the propagation delay should not exceed 99999 ns. If user enters value which is out
of applicable range, device will show error message “Invalid Command” and the previous value will
be retained.
Please refer the Table 1 of section 6.1.5 for proper value.
This change in the value of this parameter will bring shift in
1PPS and other output signal timing.
8.2.10 Manual Time setting command:
Only available on special request
Description: User can set time and date manually using this command. This command is basically
used when GPS receivers battery got discharged and antenna is not available then user can enter
current time manually.
Manual Time setting Command format is:
hh: Hours(0 to 23)
mm: Minutes(0 to 59)
ss: Seconds(0 to 59)
dd: Date(1 to 31)
mm: Month (1 to 12)
yy: Year(for 2012 enter 12).
When antenna is connected to GPS and GPS is locked this command will not work.“Restart GPS af-
ter this command”.
Time entered in Manual command will be considered as UTC
time, so to set current local time user should enter the time con-
sidering the time zone offset require for local time. Once GPS
gets locked, the set Manual time will neglected and correct time
will be considered.
8.2.11 Example to illustrate unit commands:
Suppose format available on Serial terminal is by default T-format.
The configuration steps to to change serial terminal format to NGTS, to set the time zone of India,
and to set the password to INDIA are explained below. The Local time of India is set 5 Hours and 30
Minutes ahead of the UTC.
NOTE: In below example, Big BOLD Letters are the command which user has to provide and other
texts are the messages returned by GPS TIME SYNC UNIT MC-1-DE device to serial com port