Model: MC-1-M (2U)
Doc. Ref. no. : m05/om/101
Issue no. 14
User’s Manual
Page 82 of 103
ii) Get-Next-Request: This PDU is used to Get the next value for multi-valued data-items (for
example the entries in a routing table). The manager specifies one or more variables for
value, and the agent returns the current value for each of the requested variables.
iii) Set-Request: This PDU is used to set the values of a list of variables for a particular host.
iv) Get-Bulk-Request: This PDU is optimized version of Get-Next-Request, used to request
multiple iteration of Get-Next-Request. It allows the caller to specify – non-repeaters, range of
variables which are single valued, max-repetition, no of values to be returned by the call.
v) Response: Agent returns this PDU in response to above all PDUs. It contains the requested
data items along with a result code.
vi) Trap: This PDU is quite different from other PDUs. Agent generates it in response to
particular important events. An agent only at the request of an SNMP manager application
generates a trap PDU.
vii) Inform-Request: This PDU introduces a new pattern of communication (Manager to
Manager communication). In manager to manager communication, one manager sends
information from a MIB view to another manager.
13.2.3 SNMP Operation:
GPS Master Clock model MC-1-M model can work as SNMPv1 and SNMPv2c agent. SNMP Read and
Write community used to monitor as well as configure SNMP parameters of model MC-1-M model from
some remote location. Read and Write community of model MC-1-M agent is same for both SNMPv1 and
SNMPv2c. model MC-1-M model supports max 2 SNMP managers.
Read Community: SNMP manager must know Read Community of model MC-1-M agent to monitor
model MC-1-M from remote location. model MC-1-M model supports 20 character length of Read
community. It can be modify using Telnet or SNMP Configuration. For Telnet configuration refer12.1.
Once Read community modified manager needs to remember for further use.
Factory set Value: masibus
Write Community: SNMP Manager must know the Write community of model MC-1-M agent to
configure SNMP parameters. model MC-1-M model supports 20 character length of Write
Community. It can be modify using Telnet or SNMP Configuration. For Telnet configuration refer12.1.
Once Write community modified manager needs to remember for further use.
Factory set Value: masibus
Trap Receiver IP Address: Trap Receiver IP Address also known as SNMP manager IP address.
SNMP manager IP address must be configure to receive asynchronous event like model MC-1-M
synchronized / Not Synchronized via Traps. SNMP manager IP address can be configure using
Telnet or SNMP Configuration. For Telnet configuration refer12.1. Factory set value of both SNMP
managers are same.
Factory set Value:
Trap Enable: Trap enable field in OID is must set to 1 to enable trap
generation for manager IP. By default Trap Enable variable is enabled to generate traps.
Factory set Value: 1 (Enable to generate Traps)
SNMP manager’s IP address must be configured to receive
asynchronous traps.
Please note that particular trap will only be sent if that parameter is
configured for trap by Trapenabled option through SNMP.