HC3: Black 3-Pin Door Lock Harness
If the door lock control system on the vehicle is (-) type, connect the Blue wire to the unlock wire from the door
lock switch . If the door lock control system on the vehicle is (+) type, connect the Blue wire to the lock wire
from the door lock switch.
If the door lock control system on the vehicle is (-) type, connect the Green wire to the lock wire from the door
lock switch . If the door lock control system on the vehicle is (+) type, connect the Green wire to the unlock wire
from the door lock switch.
Driver’s Door Priority 2nd Unlock Output:
By default the Light Blue wire provides a second (-) unlock output to unlock the passenger’s doors. Follow the
diagrams on pages 10-12 for proper connection.
Factory Security Disarm Output:
The Light Blue wire can be programmed to provide a (-) pulse output every time the X7 is disarmed. This
connection can be used to disarm the vehicles factory security system at the same time the X7 is disarmed.
See Alarm Feature Programming (Group 3), page 24.
Start Status Output:
The Light Blue wire can be programmed to provide a constant (-) output during the time that the vehicles
engine is running under the control of the X7. In this configuration, the Light Blue wire can be used as sensor
bypass control. Connect a relay to the sensor power wire and use the Light Blue wire to trigger the relay. See
Alarm Feature Programming (Group 3), page 24.
Blue Wire: (+/-) Door Lock Control
Green Wire: (+/-) Door Lock Control
Light Blue Wire: (-) Programmable Accessory Wire
3 Wire Positive Trigger Door Lock System
(+) Lock Out
+12 Volts Input
(+) Unlock Out
To Door Lock
Control Relays
Blue Wire: Connect to Lock
Green Wire: Connect to Unlock
Lock Control
Black 3-Pin
Mini Connector
3 Wire Ground Trigger Door Lock System
(-) Lock Out
Ground Input
(-) Unlock Out
To Door Lock
Control Relays
Lock Control
Blue Wire: Connect to Unlock
Green Wire: Connect to Lock
Black 3-Pin
Mini Connector