7-Pin Mini
Brake Light
+12 Volts
Switch Closes when
Brake is Depressed
Brown Wire
To Lights
HC4: Black 7-Pin Accessory Harness
This wire is the ground trigger input wire for hood/trunk pin switches.
The Green wire is the ground trigger input wire for negative door pin switch.
The Violet wire is the positive trigger input wire for positive door pin switch.
Brown Wire: Positive Safety Shut Down Input
Blue Wire: (-) Instant Trigger Wire
Green Wire: (-) Door Trigger
Violet Wire: (+) Door Trigger
Gray Wire: (-) Hood Safety Shut Down Input
This wire provides instant shutdown for the remote start, when it re12 volts. If the brake lights switch in
the vehicle sw12 volts to the brake light circuit, connect this wire to the output side of the brake switch.
This will allow the remote start to shut down if an attempt is made to operate the vehicle without the key while
running under the control of the remote start. A relay may be required if the brake light switch is (-) type.
The Gray wire provides instant shutdown for the remote start when it is grounded. Connect the Gray wire to an
existing hood pin switch or install the one provided in this kit. This wire must be routed through a grommet in the
firewall and connected to the hood pin switch. If the hood pin switch is also to be used as an alarm system trigger,
diodes are required as shown.
This connection is a
safety wire and must be connected
as shown and tested as specified.
Failure to do so may result in
personal injury or property damage.
Note: The Gray wire can also be
used as the “Brake Safety”
connection if the vehicle brake light
circuit switches a ground signal to
the brake lights. An isolation diode
must be used and connected to the
output of the brake switch.
Hood Pin Switch
Gray Wire
Negative Safety
To Alarm Instant
Trigger Blue Wire