Menu > GNSS
GNSS Device
Correction source
In the ‘GNSS’ menu you can choose whether you want to run with the GPS receiver towards NTRIP
(CPOS, Smartnet, TopNet) or UHF (radio) towards a local base station. If you choose UHF, you
must select the frequency and ID that allows Makin’ 3D to communicate to the base you want.
Under ‘Correction source’ you see the current type of correction source being used.
Tap ‘Correction source’ to change it
Tap your choice of ‘NTRIP’ or ‘UHF. Choose ‘UHF’ if you use a radio to connect to the
correction signal.
Tap ‘Frequency’ to set the frequency of the base station.
In situations, where you have to specify the frequency according to a channel, refer to the
table below for guidance. Channel 0 is the center frequency, and channels are distributed
with a 25 kHz spacing (in this example).
Frequency (MHz)
Makin' 3D User guide 2.18, 1st edition, May 2022 © Copyright 2021, Makin AS