Tolerances are thresholds for calculations. They are used for different indications like colors and
sound. You can change the tolerances for height, side, and alert.
When working outside the specified tolerances, the indicator in question is shown in white color.
Height tolerances
Menu > Settings > Tolerances > Height
The ‘Yellow’ band for the height tolerance indicates a distance for when to start showing that you
are near a selected height reference.
‘Green above’ and ‘Green below’ is the limit for the accepted height deviation, respectively above
and below the reference. It basically means that, as long as you are “this close” to the reference,
the job is well done.
‘Red’ is an indication of excavating too deep into the ground. The tolerance is actually an
expression for when to ignore the warning when you are far below the reference.
The sound option will enable different sounds depending on the band within which you are
working. Check the blue box for sound or uncheck to mute. There will be no sounds when working
above the yellow band and below the red band.
Side tolerances
Menu > Settings > Tolerances > Side
For the side distance, ‘Red’ means that you are approximately within reach of your target, and
‘Yellow’ being even closer. The ‘Green’ band indicates the accepted deviation from target.
Keep in mind, that the side distance is calculated horizontally and is not the shortest path.
Makin' 3D User guide 2.18, 1st edition, May 2022 © Copyright 2021, Makin AS