Arc Length Switches
Used to decrease/increase welding arc length (and therefore arc voltage) in both
programming and welding modes.
Oscillation Speed Switches
Used to decrease/increase welding oscillation speed in both programming and
welding modes.
Oscillation Amplitude Switches
Used to decrease/increase oscillation amplitude (torch weave width) during both
programming and welding modes.
AGC Stop Switch
This switch and the Wire Stop are used primarily in weld repairs. Depressing this
switch causes the AGC operation to cease. While the AGC is disabled, a warning
indicator is displayed on the LCD. Depressing the switch a second time causes the
function to once again become active.
When the AGC Stop switch is on, the two AGC Switches can be used to jog the
torch up/down.
Wire Stop Switch
Operation of this switch is similar to that previously described, except that the
function interrupted is wire feed.
When the WIRE STOP switch is depressed, filler wire feed will be interrupted until
the switch is again depressed. A warning indicator is displayed. When the WIRE
STOP switch is actuated, the two wire switches can be used to jog wire.
1.2.17 Rotary
This multifunction control can be used to increase/decrease any parameter that has
been selected during programming. During welding, this is used to “steer” the torch
in the seam, and adjust the center point of the oscillation strokes.
Inner & Outer Oscillation Dwell
During programmed and welding modes, the four soft keys adjust the inner and outer
dwell times. Oscillation dwell is the time period that the torch remains stationary at
either stroke end points. (“Inner” refers to the location where the Torch is closer to
the weld Head body, “Outer” the reverse.)
USB Port (At Top of Pendent)
A standard digital “data key” connects to the USB port. This allows program transfer
between power sources, program archiving, and QC data downloading. Weld
parameters can be downloaded for subsequent print out on a PC equipped with a
Front Panel Controls
Emergency Stop Switch
Used to immediately terminate the weld cycle and all weld Head functions. Will also
“reboot” the system.