Use the Cursor to select each line (highlighted in red). Use the Cursor to select each line
(highlighted in red). Use the Encoder to select Head Model, OD, Wall Thickness, and Material.
Use the Enter switch and Encoder to select and change each digit parameters. Press Next
when finished.
Once you enter the OD, wall thickness & material the system will automatically choose the
correct Guide Ring Factor (GRF) based on the OD. If the OD is not a standard tube or pipe size
i.e. 2.333 instead of 2.375 the system will default to 8.0 for the GRF. If your OD is not standard
or you are using an oversized guide ring, you must change the GRF to get correct travel speed.
Use Cursor to select line, Encoder to modify
Next Weld to Run - two possible choices:
1. Repeat the weld program. At the completion of a weld, the same program will automatically
be loaded, eliminating the need to enter the weld number again.
2. Run a different weld program. Press Next when finished.