Model 4525 Gate Monitor
Operator’s Manual
Ludlum Measurements, Inc.
Page 61
May 2018
Changing the Password
The default password is “4525.” After running the program for the first
time, be sure to change the password.
Once a password has been entered, it will not have to be typed in again for five
minutes. The password must be at least four characters in length and can
contain only the characters: !"#$%^'()*+,-./ 0-9 A-Z a-z.
Event Log
The Event Log database stores information regarding system health and status.
Any error messages that occur are also logged to this database. The Event Log
has fields for Lane number, Date/Time, Firmware Number, Software Number,
Event/Error message, and the Background readings for the detector panels.
Lane Number 0 is used for messages/errors relating to the Supervisor
computer. The following items are logged to the database:
Supervisor Started:
Logged when Supervisor is initially run.
Supervisor Terminated:
Logged before Supervisor is closed down.
Archive Started:
Logged when an archive process is started.
Archive Completed:
Logged when archive process is completed.
Connected (including current background readings):
Logged when
Supervisor connects to lane.
Logged when a lane that was missing is reconnected.
Logged after Supervisor has not received any data from RPM.
Gamma Alarm:
Logged when an alarm occurs.
Alarm Reset:
Logged when the alarm is reset.
Command Sent:
Logged whenever a command to change a parameter is sent.