Model 4525 Gate Monitor
Operator’s Manual
Ludlum Measurements, Inc.
Page 43
May 2018
Move Down:
Click the Move Down button to move a lane to the next higher
lane number.
Click the Save button to save the current lane assignments.
Click the Cancel button to restore the previous lane assignments.
Setting Parameters
Use the Tools/Set RPM Parameters… menu option to set the operational
parameters for each RPM. This screen also provides the ability to reboot the
RPM and to manually reset the occupancy counters. The parameters screen is
divided into seven tabs that group related parameters together. An RPM can be
selected by clicking on the Select Lane list box and selecting a lane. To change a
parameter, click the Set button next to the parameter or the button for the
current tab.
Reset Counters:
Reset all occupancy counters to 0.
Reboot the RPM. After rebooting, it will take approximately 30
seconds for the RPM to be ready for operation.
Reloads all parameters from the RPM.
Set All:
Sets all parameters on all tabs.
Unit ID:
An identification number that can be assigned to each Model 4525.
Valid values are from 1 to 255.
The current date and time when the parameters were downloaded. The
computer’s current date and time is used when any parameter is set. This date
and time must be set correctly for proper operation with the SD card upgrade.