Model 4525 Gate Monitor
Operator’s Manual
Ludlum Measurements, Inc.
Page 57
May 2018
The Supervisor can delay getting the camera image up to 9.9 seconds
from the entrance or exit of the vehicle. This allows flexibility to account for
camera placement.
Animation Direction:
When a lane has no camera enabled, a image
representing a truck or a rail car is displayed. This option controls the direction
the image scrolls across the screen.
Camera Auto Update:
When checked, the streaming URL is used to display a
live image, which is updated continuously. When unchecked, the main screen is
only updated when a new camera image is triggered. Currently only IQeye
cameras support this feature.
Printing Enabled:
When unchecked, all automatic report printing is disabled.
Print All Vehicles:
When checked, all occupancies will print a profile report
regardless of if it causes an alarm.
Exclude Over-Speed Printing:
When checked, over speed alarms do not
print a profile report.