Lucent Technologies Lineage
2000 125A Ferroresonant Rectifier J85502C-1
Issue 8 July 1999
Installation 5 - 9
Installing or
Adding a
Before beginning this procedure, read “Preparing for
Installation” in its entirety. This procedure is appropriate for
installing a rectifier in a new plant or adding a rectifier to an
existing plant to increase capacity. The assumption is made,
however, that the rectifier is being added to an operating plant.
Observe the safety precautions in Section 4 and those with each
procedure whenever working on or near electrically live
equipment. Only persons trained and experienced in the
installation of power equipment should install this rectifier.
Installing AC
Power Cables
Use Figures 5-1, 5-2, and 5-3 as references for this section.
1. Using site drawing information, place the rectifier in the
exact position specified for the unit.
2. Disconnect ac power from ac distribution service panel
that supplies power to the rectifier.
3. Install fuse holders or circuit breaker for the rectifier in the
ac distribution service panel. Leave circuit breaker in Off
position or remove fuses.
4. Install two phase leads and frame ground at service panel
and route conductors to rectifier.
5. Install the connector you prefer onto the frame ground lead
(see the section entitled “AC Input Power”). Use the
proper crimping tool and die for the crimp connector to
prevent damage to equipment. Install the proper heat
shrink tubing and terminal lug, per Table 5-A, on the ends
of the two phase leads that will be inside the rectifier.
6. Secure phase leads and frame ground lead in rectifier.
First, connect the ground lead to its termination point
marked FR GRD near the ac input hole. Connect the phase
leads to TB1 according to the section entitled “Converting
AC Voltage” and torque to 25 in-lb.
7. Verify that the branch circuit breaker to the rectifier in the
ac service panel is Off or fuses are removed. Reenergize ac
service panel. Tag branch circuit breaker or fuse holders to
inform others not to close (turn On) the breaker or insert
fuses. If the branch circuit, (two phase leads and frame