Lucent Technologies Lineage
2000 125A Ferroresonant Rectifier J85502C-1
Issue 8 July 1999
Troubleshooting and Adjustments 7 - 5
check F1.1- F1.8 and FA1.1-FA1.8 on the bus bar
4. Turn the rectifier POWER switch On.
5. If the rectifier started, minor alarm on controller cleared,
and the rectifier RFA LED extinguished, then the RFA
problem has been cleared. Otherwise, continue with the
following procedures.
6. Observe and record the rectifier output voltage.
7. If the rectifier output voltage is greater than the plant
float voltage, then use the following procedure:
a. Turn the OUTPUT VOLTS ADJ potentiometer
counterclockwise to lower the output voltage to the
correct value.
b. If the rectifier OUTPUT VOLTS ADJ potentiometer
can adjust the voltage to the correct level, then the RFA
Figure 7-1: Bus Bar Assembly with Output Capacitor Fusing on
125-ampere Rectifiers with List C Option