Lucent Technologies Lineage
2000 125A Ferroresonant Rectifier J85502C-1
Issue 8 July 1999
Spare Parts and Replacement Procedures 8 - 9
8. Disconnect J1B from CM3 by unlatching first, then
pulling the cable connector.
9. Connect J1B to P1B on the new CM3 meter board.
10. Position the new digital meter board over the two support
standoffs. Verify that the latches on each standoff and S3
switch bezel clips snap to lock the meter board into place.
11. Check calibration of rectifier meter per “Meter Calibration
Test (Off Line)” in Section 6.
12. If the rectifier is to be restored to service, refer to
“Restoring a Rectifier to Service” in Section 7.
Information on
Only disassembly procedures are given in this section.
Reinstallation procedures are usually the exact reverse of
removal procedures (i.e., follow the removal procedures in
reverse to reinstall the component). Specific instructions are
given when this does not apply exactly, or where special
considerations or precautions must be taken during
reinstallation. Applicable portions of Section 5, Installation,
may be helpful. Portions of Section 6, Testing, can be used after
reinstallation to verify proper operation of the rectifier. Some
points are common to all rectifier disassembly work. Please read
this section before using the rectifier disassembly procedures.
Take precautions against accidental personal injury or damage to
equipment. Observe warnings given in “Safety Precautions” in
Section 4, in addition to the following admonishment, while
undertaking any disassembly or reinstallation procedure on a
The ac service and dc battery buses can be safely disconnected
from the rectifier by following the first eight steps of
“Disconnecting a Rectifier” in this section, but all work must be
done carefully because you are working with live cables at
The following disassembly or reinstallation procedures MUST
be performed only on a rectifier completely disconnected from
the plant battery buses, AND with no input from the ac service
panel connected to the rectifier. The plant control cable J2A
should also be disconnected from the CM2 board.