Before resuming use of the caravan it is imper-
ative that you rinse out the water pipes with
fresh water.
Travel tips
Travel preparations
A major advantage of your caravan is the fact that
you can decide when to travel and where to at
short notice and spontaneously change your
plans again as you please. The list below is in-
tended to help you prepare for travelling and to
check that you have all the important things on
board before you set off.
Before leaving,
– Plan travel route, making use, if appropriate, of
assistance from automobile clubs and tourist
associations in the destination areas.
– Comply with any vaccination requirements of
the country to be visited.
– Divert or cancel post and newspapers.
– Leave behind a note of your holiday address.
– Identity card / passport (valid?), driving licence,
– Log book, green insurance card, vaccination
– International health insurance certificates
– Documents for the dog
– Road maps, camping guide, guidebook