Level indicator WC type 2
The waste water is collected in a special 20-litre
capacity septic tank. The level indicator (3) turns
red if the tank needs to be emptied.
1 – flush and slider control button
2 – toilet paper holder
3 – level indicator
Water flushing WC type 2
The water flush receives the necessary supply of
water from the fresh water tank or from the sub-
terranean water supply connection. To initiate
flushing, press the flush and slider control button
(1). If the flush and slider control button (1) is
simultaneously activated in a leftwards direction,
the toilet base opens, the waste water flows into
the septic tank, and the flush cleanses the toilet.
To terminate flushing, release the flush and slider
control button (1). To close the toilet base once
again, turn the flush and slider control button (1) in
the opposite direction.
Toilet paper
To use the toilet paper, pull the holder (2) out of the
toilet housing, take the paper and put the paper
holder into the toilet housing.