Note: If you experience any issues with the lights not working and suspect an issue with a component, please try a different port on the
expansion board to verify where the fault lies (with the light or expansion board). To correct any issues with expansion board ports,
please view the section addressing expansion board issues on our
online troubleshooting guide.
Disconnect the USB Power Cable from the expansion board, then turn the light section over and bring all six cables together and twist/wind them
around each other closest to the top. Continue to twist/wind the cables all the way to the end so they come together to form a larger neat cable.
Take a new
30cm Connecting Cable
and connect it to the 8-port expansion board. Thread the other end of the cable through the entrance
before reconnecting this right side section to the front of the building.
Turn the Joker Manor around to the back side and pull the other end of the 30cm Connecting Cable out and feed it toward the left underneath the
roller coaster track. Connect the cable to a new
12-Port Expansion Board
then connect the USB power Cable (connected to the USB Power Bank)
to the expansion board.