Parameter setting
As a part of a machine with a speed-variable drive system, the inverter must be adapted to its
drive task. The adaptation process of the inverter is carried out by changing parameters.
Optionally these parameters can be accessed by means of the keypad or »EASY Starter«. If the
inverter is provided with a network option, access can also be effected by a higher-level con-
trol via the corresponding network.
Changed parameter settings are effective immediately.
The possible consequence is an unexpected response of the motor shaft while the inverter is
If possible, only carry out parameter changes while the controller is inhibited.
Certain device commands or settings which might cause a critical state of the drive behav-
iour can generally only be carried out with controller inhibit.
Parameter setting
Phone: 800.894.0412 - Fax: 888.723.4773 - Web: www.actechdrives.com - Email: [email protected]