Installation and Operation
EDBC250SIO | 2.0
Electronic sensors, OSSD sensor
The OSSD sensor provides the fault detection function when connecting an OSSD sensors.
Depending on the sensor's functionality, the retrieval of signals is able to detect cross-faults
between the 24 V power supply and earth as well as cross-faults between the sensor signals.
Wiring of sensors providing OSSD signals
Two-channel sensors delivering OSSD signals can be connected to any safe input of the Safety
I/O-module. A software module of the safe control unit provides the required allocation and
analysis of the input signals.
Sensors with OSSD signals do not support the module's test pulses. You must therefore set the
input channels to "Test pulse duration =0"
6.3.3 Input Parameters.
To prevent voltages from being carried over, provide a low-impedance connection between
the chassis ground of both the sensor and the Safety I/O-module.