8400 StateLine C | Reference manual
Motor control (MCTRL)
11.00 - DMS 8.0 EN - 10/2011
Motor control (MCTRL)
This chapter provides information on the parameter setting of the controller's internal
motor control.
Basic settings:
Motor selection/Motor data
Selecting the control mode
Defining current and speed limits
Description of the motor control types:
V/f characteristic control (VFCplus)
V/f characteristic control - energy-saving (VFCplusEco)
V/f control (V encoder)
Sensorless vector control (SLVC)
Sensorless control for synchronous motors (SLPSM)
Parameterisable additional functions:
Selection of switching frequency
Operation with increased rated power
Correction of the stator leakage inductance...
Flying restart function
DC-injection braking
Slip compensation
Oscillation damping
Phase sequence reversal for correcting misconnected UVW motor phases
Field weakening for synchronous motors
Further topics:
Encoder/feedback system
Braking operation/brake energy management
Internal interfaces (process signals):
Internal interfaces | system block "LS_MotorInterface"
Internal status signals | system block "LS_DeviceMonitor"
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