-> stop /admin1/system1
system1 stopped at Mon Jan 5 04:54:49 2015
“reset” Verb
This is used to cause a target with power/process control to cycle states from enabled to disabled
and back to enabled.
Eg: The below command
“reset /admin1/system1”
will restart the host system.
-> reset /admin1/system1
system1 reset at Mon Jan 5 04:54:49 2015
“create” Verb
This is used to create new instances and associations in the address space of the MAP. This is only
allowed for specific target object types as defined by the profiles and specific MAP implementation.
“delete” Verb
This is used to destroy instances in the address space of the MAP. This is only allowed for specific target
object types as defined by the profiles and specific MAP implementation.
Standard CLP Verbs Options
Output Option:
This option is used to view the command results in different format. It has many arguments like order,
count etc... one of which is ‘format’ which outputs the result in text or clpxml or keyword. By default,
the output is displayed in text format.
Eg: The below command
“cd -o format=clpxml /admin1/system1”
instructs the command executer to
display the output in xml format.
-> cd -o format=clpxml /admin1/system1
<?xml version=”1.0” encoding=”UTF-8”?>
<response xmlns=http://schemas.dmtf.org/smash/ commandresponse/1.0.0/dsp0224.xsd xmlns:xsi=”http://www. w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance” xsi:schemaLocation=”../smash. xsd”>
<inputline>cd -o format=clpxml /admin1/system1< /inputline>
<status>0< /status>
<status_tag>COMMAND COMPLETED< /status_tag>
<job_id>clpjob-36256-4< /job_id>
<ufip>/admin1/system1< /ufip>
The Lenovo ThinkServer sd350 Server Type 5493, Lenovo ThinkServer n400 Enclosure Type 5495