Step 9.
Remove the microprocessor from the socket.
Select the empty installation tool and ensure that the handle is in the open position. If the
installation tool handle is not in the open position, use the following instructions for your
installation tool:
• When using the installation tool,
lift the interlock latch and hold it up while you
the microprocessor installation tool handle counterclockwise to the open position, and
then release the interlock latch. The following illustration of the installation tool shows the
location of the interlock latch and counterclockwise rotation of the handle before loading
the microprocessor.
Figure 68. Installation tool handle adjustment
Align the installation tool with the screws, as shown in the following graphic, and lower the
installation tool on the microprocessor. The installation tool rests flush on the socket only
when it is aligned correctly.
Figure 69. Installation tool alignment
Using the following instructions for your installation tool to remove the microprocessor.
• When using the installation tool, gently twist the handle of the installation tool clockwise
until it locks in the “H” or “L” position, depending on the size of microprocessor, and then
lift the microprocessor out of the socket.
Lenovo ThinkServer sd350 Server Type 5493, Lenovo ThinkServer n400 Enclosure Type 5495Installation and Service Guide