Lenovo XClarity Administrator can be set up to collect and send diagnostic files automatically to your
preferred service provider when certain serviceable events occur in Lenovo XClarity Administrator and
the managed endpoints. You can choose to send diagnostic files to Lenovo Support using call home or
to another service provider using SFTP. You can also manually collect diagnostic files, open a problem
record, and send diagnostic files to the Lenovo Support Center.
Task automation using scripts
Lenovo XClarity Administrator can be integrated into external, higher-level management and automation
platforms through open REST application programming interfaces (APIs). Using the REST APIs, Lenovo
XClarity Administrator can easily integrate with your existing management infrastructure. You can also run
Lenovo XClarity
in a Microsoft PowerShell session to automate certain management functions.
The cmdlets use Lenovo XClarity Administrator REST APIs and can automate functions
Integration with other management software
Lenovo XClarity Administrator is available stand-alone or as a bundled offering that is known asLenovo
XClarity Pro. Lenovo XClarity Pro is composed of the base Administrator product plus two Lenovo XClarity
Integrator modules that provide integration into Microsoft Systems Center or VMware vCenter. Together,
these tools provide discovery, monitoring, configuration, and management functions to reduce the cost
and complexity of routine system administration for System x, NeXtScale, and Flex System endpoints.
More information about Lenovo XClarity Administrator is available at
SMASH-CLP (System Management Architecture for Server Hardware-Command Line Protocol) - is a
command line protocol that simplifies cross-platform management and provides a simple way to access as
well as manage manageable entities via CIM broker.
SMASH-CLP is a command line protocol transmitted and received over a text message-based transport
protocol with manageable elements (i. e. CIM objects) defined as ‘targets,’ , CIM class represented by UFcT
(user friendly class tag), and CIM instances by UFiT (user friendly instance tag).
SMASH-CLP specifies the syntax and semantics used to allow the manipulation of the managed element
and associations within servers, as collections or individually. When a server, for example, comes with
multiple processors, sensors, network cards, logical devices and cooling systems, SMASH-CLP can be
applied to specific processors, components or subcomponents. With this feature, one can set up a script to
check the temperature sensors in all machines periodically to see how power and AC should be adjusted
to avoid overheating or to reduce cost.
SMASH-CLP with developed in reference & compliance to the following DMTF documents.
• SMASH Implementation Requirements (DSP 0217)
• SM CLP Spec. (DSP 0214)
• SM ME Addressing Spec. (DSP 0215)
• SM CLP to CIM Common Mapping spec (DSP0216)
• CIM Profiles (DSP 01xxx)
• SM CLP mapping to every CIM Profile (DSP 08xxx)
Following are the list of profiles required by SMASH CLP.
• Service Processor profile
• Base Server profile
The Lenovo ThinkServer sd350 Server Type 5493, Lenovo ThinkServer n400 Enclosure Type 5495