iNEX User Manual
90 Rev
Understanding the Status of Other Vehicles
As FieldNET operates with multiple vehicles which may at times drop in
and out of communication it is important to know the current status of
treatment information received from each vehicle. The FieldNET Status
Bar can be used for this purpose.
The FieldNET Status Bar contains one box for each
other vehicle in the group. For example if there
are four vehicles in the group, three boxes will be
shown where Vehicle 2 is box 1, Vehicle 3 is box
2, Vehicle 4 is box 3.
The current status of communication is represented by the highest colour
in the box, where each colour is determined by a combination of the time
since last contact with the other vehicle and the percentage of area
received at last contact.
indicates that there is no current link to that vehicle.
indicates that there may be missing data or that there has been
a long time since contact with the other vehicle. In other words
there is a high chance that there is an unknown area that has
already been treated by another vehicle.
indicates a medium chance that there is an unknown area that
has already been treated by another vehicle. It also indicates
that there has been relatively recent communication and data
exchange between the vehicles.
indicates a low chance that there is an unknown area that has
already been treated by another vehicle. It also indicates that
there has been recent communication and data exchanged
between the vehicles.
Antenna In addition to the coloured status block, each time the vehicle
receives data from the vehicle an antenna icon will flash in the
box. If the antenna is not flashing then the vehicle represented
by the box is out of range or switched OFF.