3 Device description
The flow controller extends the function of the constant temperature equip-
ment by regulating the heat transfer liquid flowing to the application to a
set flow rate (= volume flow). You can adjust the desired set point using
the constant temperature equipment. The main menu of the constant tem-
perature equipment is extended by the functions of the flow controller. The
control valve in the flow controller is controlled and all status queries made
via the LiBus connection between the constant temperature equipment and
the flow controller. No setting options are available on the flow controller.
The flow controller generally limits the temperature range of the constant
temperature equipment to a minimum of -40 °C and a maximum of 90 °C
on XT devices or a maximum of 140 °C on P devices.
The flow controller has an internal bypass. The electronically controlled
bypass is used to adjust and regulate the flow rate.
Fig. 2: Hydraulic diagram MID 80
1 Constant temperature equipment
2 Application
B1 Flow meter
B2 Pressure sensor
Y1 Motor control valve
Y2 Drain
Flow controller MID 80
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