The antenna unit’s printed circuit boards (PCBs), gyro, azimuth
limit switch, LNB, elevation motor, and elevation drive belt may
be removed and replaced on site using common hand tools.
Other TracVision G6 service must be done by your authorized
dealer/installer, distributor or by KVH. Evidence of tampering or
unauthorized repairs will void the warranty. The following
sections provide step-by-step procedures for removing and
replacing field replaceable units.
Figure 5-1 depicts the location of a number of components within
the TracVision G6 Antenna Unit.
TracVision G6 components receive
power from multiple sources. Do
not open any electrical assemblies
or attempt servicing until IRD power
and vessel input power are
U.S./Latin American-style LNB
Elevation Motor
and Drive Assembly
Azimuth Motor
Antenna Gyro
PCB Cover
and PCBs
Azimuth Limit
Switch Assembly
Figure 5-1
TracVision G6 Antenna Unit
(Baseplate Cut Away)