Choosing the Best Location for the TracVision Antenna
There are several factors to consider when choosing the location
for the TracVision antenna.
Since the TracVision antenna requires a clear view
of the southern sky to receive satellite signals, the
ideal antenna site has an unobstructed view of the
horizon/satellite all around.
Keep the antenna clear of any obstructions above
decks. The antenna requires a 10º to 80º look angle
to receive satellite signals.
To minimize tracking errors, place the antenna
unit as close as possible to the intersection of the
vessel’s fore-and-aft centerline and midships. The
antenna unit need not be located exactly on the
vessel’s fore-and-aft axis, but its centerline MUST
be parallel to it.
The mounting surface should be flat and strong
enough to carry the complete assembly (55 lbs/
25 kg). Make sure that the mounting surface is
rigid so that it cannot flex when the vessel
vibrates. If necessary, add a strength member to
the mounting site to stiffen it.
Be sure to account for the height and base
dimensions (see Figure 2-2).
TracVision G6 Technical Manual
The antenna unit should not be too
high off the water (a height above
the waterline no more than half the
vessel length).
TracVision Antenna
Vessel Platform
Figure 2-1
Antenna Blockage