Connecting the Antenna RF
Each RF cable must be an RG-11 (75 ohms) cable fitted with
F-type connectors. The following sections explain how to connect
the RF cable(s).
To connect the TracVision antenna to your satellite TV receiver(s)
(IRDs), choose one of the following configurations:
Option 1 -
Option 2 -
Two IRDs
Option 3 -
Three or More IRDs
Option 1 - Connecting the Antenna to a Single IRD
One end of the RF cable should already be connected to the plug
labeled “RF1” on the base of the TracVision antenna. Connect the
other end of the RF1 cable to the IRD plug labeled “LNB,”
Option 2 - Connecting Two IRDs
If you need to connect a second IRD to the TracVision antenna, a
second RF cable must be connected to the plug labeled “RF2” on
the base of the TracVision antenna. Connect the other end of the
RF2 cable to the plug labeled “LNB,” “ANT/SAT,” or
“SATELLITE IN” on the second IRD.
TracVision G6 Technical Manual
RG-11 (75 ohms) cable is required
for RF wiring. Use of non-RG-11
(75 ohms) cable will result in
degraded performance.
For instructions on connecting an
RF cable for TracNet, please refer
to the TracNet Owner’s Manual or
Technical Manual.