Troubleshooting & Maintenance
Power Problems
Power Problems
Dead: LEDs, LCD backlight, and xD Card socket not lit
Before opening the unit, verify the following:
1. The AC outlet is supplying power.
2. The AC cord is good and properly connected to the unit.
3. Check fuses. The fuses are located in the power entry module on the rear panel. See the
instructions beginning
on page 4-18 to convert the voltage. Be sure to check the red
voltage indicator on the power entry module and verify that it is set to the correct voltage
for your location. If a unit set for 120V is plugged into 240V, the fuses will blow
immediately but no damage should occur to the unit.
4. Place the PC3x upside down on a
at protected surface.
5. Remove the seven screws that secure the access panel and set it safely aside.
6. Disconnect the stranded wire cable at J21 on the Engine Board. Refer to page 9 of the
Engine Board schematics, see page 6-11 in Chapter 6. Verify the voltages at the connector.
Pin 1, ground
Pin 2, 5 volts
Pin 3, -12 volts
Pin 5, 12 volts
7. Open the unit.
8. Disconnect the stranded wire cable at J301 on the Connector Board. Refer to page 3 of the
Connector Board schematics, see page 6-14 in Chapter 6. Verify the voltages at the
connector. (See Step 6.)
9. Refer to the Connector Board schematics, see page 6-14 in Chapter 6, and verify the AC
power voltages at J324. If these voltages are present and correct, replace the Connector
Board. If these voltages are incorrect, suspect the transformer or power entry module.
Audio Problems
No Audio
1. Run the Scanner Diagnostics to check the volume slider operation.
2. Refer to the Interconnect Diagram.
3. Check the
at ribbon cable from J18 on the Engine Board to J302 on the Connector Board.
4. Check the solder connections at the connectors.
5. Refer to the Engine Board schematics and check the signal activity on the DAC, U33.
6. Trace the signal path from the Engine Board through the Connector Board to the audio