Local Program (LocalPrg) 7-4
Name Soft Button 7-68
New Zone (NewZn) Soft Button 7-68
Soft buttons 7-68
Setup Mode
Pressure (Press) Page 7-35
Ribbon Configuration (RIBCFG) Page 7-40
RIBBON Page 7-40
WHEEL Page 7-32
Setup mode 4-2, 7-1
Setup Mode analog output settings 7-6
Setups 2-9
Aux Bend 1 7-19
Aux Bend 2 7-19
BEND Page 7-18
Bend Range 7-18
COMMON Page 7-65
Continuous Control Pedal (CPEDAL) Page 7-34
Continuous Controller Parameters 7-29
Controllers 7-19
Curve (Curv) 7-29
Destination 7-5
Destination (Dest) 7-29
Entry (Ent) and Exit States 7-31
Entry Pan, Exit Pan 7-17
Entry values 7-30
Entry Volume, Exit Volume 7-17
Footswitch (FOOTSW) Page 7-36
Low and high key 7-10
Low Velocity (LoVel), HighVelocity (HiVel) 7-16
MIDI Bank 7-4, 7-5
MIDI Bank Mode 7-7
MIDI channel 7-5
MIDI Controller Destination List 7-21
Muting zones 5-7
Note Maps 7-10
Off Value 7-31
Offset (Add) 7-29
On Value 7-31
Pan/Volume (PAN/VOL) Page 7-17
physical controllers 7-20
RIBBON Page 7-39
Save Soft Button 7-68
Scale 7-29
selecting 2-7
SLIDER and SLID/2 Pages 7-33
Status 7-6
Switch controllers 7-30
SWITCH Page 7-37, 7-38
Switch Type (SwType) 7-31
Transpose 7-10
Transposing 7-1
Velocity Curve 7-14
Velocity Offset 7-12
Velocity Scale (VelScale) 7-11
Zone Arpeggiation 7-8
Setups Object List D-13
Shape parameter parameter (LFO) 6-39
Song Mode TRACK Page 12-28
Shift Key Number, Shift Key (ShKeyNum, ShiftKey) 7-26
Shift Pattern (ShiftPatt) 7-47
Shifting notes
in the Arpeggiator 7-46
Signal Delay 9-17
Signal Dly 9-16
Signal-to-noise ratio 2-5
Size Scale 9-13
Sliders 3-3, 7-20
Smooth 9-17
Smooth Rate 9-20
SmoothTime 9-16
Smth Rate 9-21
Soft buttons 3-7
Keymap Editor 14-5
MIDI mode 10-18
Program Editor 6-12
Program Mode 6-2
Sample Editor 14-11
Setup Editor 7-68
Special functions 6-51
Software Upgrades 2-10
Soloing a zone 7-3
Export 13-15
Song button 5-7
Song Editor 12-19
TRACK Page 12-21
Song Mode 12-1, 15-1
Demo Songs 15-15
Loops 15-15
Program Changes 15-16
Song Structure 15-16
The Event List 15-16
Song mode 4-3
Recording 3-12
Sostenuto Pedal parameter (Layer) 6-20
sound ROM expansion option 1-5
Source 1 6-25
Source and Depth parameters (EnvCtl) 6-46
Spacing 9-19
Special button functions 5-7
Special-function soft buttons 6-51
Specifications A-2
Spectral Multitap Delays 9-15
Speed 9-23
Start Point
Sample Editor 14-12
Startup 2-1
StatDlyLvl 9-19
Stereo parameter (Keymap) 6-15
Stereo simulation 9-25
Sustain not working 10-6
Sustain Pedal parameter (Layer) 6-20
Sustaining ASRs 6-40
SW button 3-5
Sweep 9-20
switch pedals 1-5
Sync In 2-3
System Exclusive ID 10-9