Song Mode and the Song Editor
Song Mode: The MAIN Page
Song End
The Song End parameter determines the end point for the song. Note that when Time Out and
Song End are set to the same location, changes made to Song End are reflected in Time Out. When
recording beyond your initially specified Song End point, you’ll notice that the Song End
location automatically moves and rounds to the next bar, so as to always be ahead of the
playhead. It is possible to move the Song End point to a location before other MIDI events (i.e., in
the middle of the current song)—the sequencer will ignore (but not delete) events after this point.
With the Loop parameter set to
, the sequencer will loop the segment of the song between
Time In and Time Out.
With the RecMode parameter set to
, the sequencer will record normally, from where ever
you start, to where ever you stop, or until the Song End point is reached. With the RecMode
parameter set to PunchIn, the sequencer will record events only between the points set for Time
In and Time Out parameters on the BIG page.
To use the
setting, the
parameter must be set to
and a loop length must be
set with the Time In and Time Out parameters on the BIG page. With the RecMode parameter set
, any existing tracks will be played back as if they were looping from the Time In to the
Time Out point, but they are actually being re-recorded linearly over absolute Bars and Beats
until you press Stop. UnLoop allows you to record a linear track over a short looping section
without first having to copy the section over and over again to achieve a new desired Song
length. The End point of the Song is extended to the downbeat of the (empty) Bar immediately
following the last Bar you were recording when Stop was pressed.
For example, let’s say you have a recorded a four bar drum loop and now want to record an eight
bar bass line. This would be a situation where UnLoop would come in handy. While the drum
track keeps looping, the bass track will record in linear fashion, and the end point will be moved
to the point at which you press Stop. Actually, the drum track will also change. It will play
through its loop twice, but while the information is repeating in the loop, it will be recorded to
the track. So now if you look at the drum track, you will see information in bars 5-8 (a duplicate
of the information in bars 1-4).
The Metron parameter determines the recording modes in which the metronome will play. With
Metron set to
, the metronome doesn’t play at all. With Metron set to
, the metronome only
plays while recording is in progress. With Metron set to Always, the metronome plays during
playback and recording. With Metron set to
, the metronome plays only during count
off (if the CountOff parameter on the Metronome page is set to something other than