Setup Mode
The Channel/Program (CH/PROG) Page
When the Program of a Setup Zone is played from an external MIDI device, Setup MIDI
parameters (most noticeably key range and transposition) will not be applied. If you want these
parameters applied, set the
Input Channel
parameter to match the channel on which the external
MIDI device is transmitting. See the
Input Channel Settings
section below for details on setting an
Input Channel.
(To play the entire Setup from an external MIDI device, see Local Keyboard Channel
on page 10-10
When Local Keyboard Channel is set to something other than
Input Channel
parameter has no effect and will appear in parentheses.
Input Channel
basically has the same effect as Local Keyboard Channel, except you can choose
to play only one or some Setup Zones from an external device, instead of all Zones. To play more
than one Zone from an external device, set each desired Zone’s
Input Channel
parameter to
match the channel on which the external MIDI device is transmitting. It is also possible to use the
Input Channel
parameter to use multiple external devices which each play a specific Zone or
Zones. For details on controlling assignments made to the PC3A’s physical controllers (sliders,
switches, mod wheel, etc.) from an external MIDI device when using an Input Channel, see
Continuous Controller Messages From External MIDI Devices
on page 10-11
Input Channel Settings
When setting a MIDI channel number for the Input Channel parameter, channel 1 for example,
you can choose
1 L+M
1 M
(scroll past 16 L+M to see all the choices.) A channel number with a
setting of
indicates that the zone will be playable from the PC3A keyboard (L for Local) and
from the external MIDI controller (M for MIDI.) A channel number with a setting of
that the zone will be playable only from the external MIDI controller, and not from the PC3A
keyboard. You can also choose
Any L+M
Any M
for the Input Channel setting.
Any L+M
Any M
will make the zone receive MIDI on any channel that an external device is transmitting.
This is useful if you are using a single external MIDI controller and are not sure which channel it
is transmitting on.
MIDI Bank Mode (BankMode)
The BankMode you choose determines how bank numbers will be sent over MIDI when the
setup is selected, and in what format. It also affects how many MIDI banks and programs you
can choose.
means no bank number is sent, just the program number.
Ctl 0
means that the bank
number is sent as a MIDI Controller #0 message.
Ctl 32
means it is sent as MIDI Controller #32.
Ctl 0/32
means it is sent as a dual-controller (two-byte) message, with the most-significant byte
(MSB) of the bank number sent as Controller 0 and the least-significant byte (LSB) as Controller
32. Bank Select messages allow you to specify banks numbered 0-127.
The MIDI Specification is a little ambiguous when it comes to Bank Select messages, as to
whether they should be only Controller 0, only Controller 32, or both Controllers sent as a pair.
Different manufacturers design their instruments to respond to different schemes, and if you
send Bank Select in a form an instrument doesn’t like, it may ignore it or interpret it incorrectly.
The BankMode parameter is designed to allow the greatest flexibility in addressing other MIDI
instruments. Usually you can look on the MIDI Implementation chart in the user’s manual of an
instrument to determine how it’s designed to receive Bank Select messages, and then set
BankMode for each zone to suit the instrument that is receiving data from it. The default setting,
which works with the largest number of other instruments, is
Ctl 0/32
A BankMode value of
is intended for use with the K2000, K2500, or K2600. The Bank Select
message is sent as Controller 32, with a value between 0 and 127. The K2000, K2500, and K2600
support only 10 banks, with 99 programs per bank, so Program Changes 100 or higher are sent as
Bank Select 1, followed by the last two digits as a Program Change. For example, if Program 124
is assigned to the zone, this will be sent out the MIDI Out port as Bank Select (Controller 32) 1,
and then Program Change 24.