Max Freq 9-20, 9-21
Maximum delay parameter (Layer) 6-19
Maximum Rate parameter (LFO) 6-39
Memory objects 5-4
metronome 15-4
count off options 15-5
Mic Angle 9-23
Mid Freq 9-15
Mid Gain 9-15
Mid Width 9-15
About MIDI 15-1
All Notes Off 10-6
Basic channel 10-6
Channel enable 10-14
Pan 10-15
Parameter locks 10-15
Program change formats 10-15
Receive mode 10-6
Reset channels 10-18
Transmit parameters 10-1
Utilities 11-16
Volume 10-15
MIDI channel 10-2
MIDI channel parameters 10-14
MIDI connections 2-3
MIDI disconnected 13-1
MIDI file
export 13-15
Load 13-1
MIDI Implementation Chart A-1
MIDI Machine Control 12-7
MIDI mode 4-3
Soft buttons 10-18
MIDI program changes 10-5
MIDI Receive page 10-9
MIDI Receive parameters 10-5
MIDI sequence Load, Save, Export 12-8
MIDI Thru/Out switch 2-3
MIDI Time Clock 12-2
Min Freq 9-20, 9-21
Minimum delay parameter (Layer) 6-19
Minimum Rate parameter (LFO) 6-39
MISC page (Program Editor) 6-67
Miscellaneous (MISC) 14-9
MMC 12-7
Mod Mode 9-25
Mod Wheel 3-5
Mode buttons 3-2
Mode parameter (ASR) 6-40
Mode selection 3-1, 4-1
Modes 4-1
Program 6-1
Modes, using 4-2
ring modulation 9-25
switch type 7-31
Mono sound systems 2-2
Monophonic parameter (Common) 6-35
Monophonic programs 6-35
Monster Truck radio spots 9-15
Morph A>B 9-16
MPressure 7-20
MTC 12-2
Multiband Compression 9-17
Multitap delays 9-14
Multi-velocity keymaps 14-4
Mute Effects Box 5-7
MuteZn 7-24
Muting layers 5-7
Muting Setup zones 5-7
Name soft button 6-52
Naming 15-6
Naming objects using the keyboard 5-5
Natural amplitude envelope 6-42
Navigation 3-6
New Layer soft button 6-52
Noise generator 6-16
Non-harmonic overtones
creating with ring modulator 9-25
Note triggering 6-18
Number of loops parameter (AmpEnv) 6-44
Numeric Entry
Master mode MAIN page 11-2
Numeric entry 3-9
Object type and ID 5-2
Objects 5-1
Deleting 5-6
loading individually 13-10
Master Mode Delete 11-14
Master Mode Rename 11-14
Naming 5-3
RAM 5-2, 5-4
Renaming 5-3
ROM 5-2, 5-4
Octav 6-2, 8-2
Odd Wts 9-25
Opaque parameter (Layer) 6-20
Origin 9-24
OS Version 11-18
Osc1 Freq 9-25
Osc1 Lvl 9-25
Osc1 Shape 9-25
Osc1PlsWid 9-25
Osc1Smooth 9-25
Oscillators 6-53
Out Gain parameter 9-12
OUTPUT page (Program Editor: KB3) 6-70
Output settings
In Setup Mode 7-6
In Song Mode 12-12
Overview 1-3