6 | Function description
The display and switch row top right
Range [Error log]
List of accumulated error messages with date and descriptions. The new errors are
highlighted in the [Active] column.
a) If the causes of the active errors have been cleared, highlight these errors and
deactivate them by clicking on the [Confirm] button.
b) Use the table with the [Severity filter] menu to sort the errors by type.
Range [Motion control information]
– [Top heater]: Statuses of the heating head components and firmware versions.
– [Table]: Only in case of Rework Systems of the 600 series. Statuses of the bot-
tom heating components and firmware versions.
– [Placer head]: Only in case of Rework Systems of the 600 series. Statuses of the
placing head components and firmware versions.
The [Image processing state] arrow button
a) Click on the arrow button and then click on the [Image processing state] button
being displayed.
– Left column: State of the top camera components when the camera is active.
– Right column: State of the optional RPC camera components when the camera
is active:
The bell icon
indicates whether there are firmware updates for the Rework System. The number
in the circle indicates the number of firmware updates.
a) When a firmware update is displayed, click on the bell icon.
A window will appear with information about the update.
a) To perform the update, click on the [Update] button.
Please read Chapter The [device settings] dialog. It describes how to load the differ-
ent variants of firmware updates into the Rework System.
Speech balloon button
Selection menu for problem reports, suggestions for improvement or general feed-
back to the manufacturing company (Ersa).
– Problem menu item: Dialog box to inform the manufacturer (Ersa) about a
problem with the Rework System.
– Suggestion menu item: Dialog box to submit the manufacturer (Ersa) a sugges-
tion for improving the Rework System.
– Feedback menu item: Dialog box to give the manufacturer (Ersa) a positive or
negative feedback on the Rework System.
Red button to the far right
– Closes the HRSoft 2 program.
Ersa GmbH
Operating_instructions HR 500 DE 3BA00246-01 | Rev. 1
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