6 | Function description
Editing the soldering profile in the [Profile management] tab and changing it permanently
3 Selection of a soldering profile. Searching for
profile names is possible. From top left to top
right, the buttons allow you to:
– Create a new soldering profile
– Copy the highlighted soldering profile
– Delete a soldering profile
– Save the highlighted soldering profile
4 Chart / soldering curves. Display of the soldering
process with curves for soldering and desolder-
ing. Soldering curves can be changed at the
points in the curves.
For this purpose, please read Chapter The chart
in the [Profile management] tabulator [
5 Parameter bar with tabs [Information] and
[Heater config] as well as small arrow key to
open a dialog [Image processing].
For this purpose, please read Chapter Tutorial.
6 Workflow bar for determining the process flow
steps (from left to right). For this purpose, please
also read Chapter The [Process automation] but-
tons under the [Profile management] tabulator
The functions of tab [Profile management ] largely correspond to those of tab [Re-
work]. For a description of tab [Rework], please read Chapter [Rework] tabulator
You also have access to tabs [Archive], [User administration], [Profile manage-
ment], [Administration] and button [Manual mode].
The functions of tab [Profile management] are described in detail in the following
6.8.2 Create, copy, delete and save soldering profiles in the [Profile
management] tabulator
A soldering profile is a file in which the whole soldering process is defined. With the
list of soldering profiles, you may execute the following functions using the four
buttons (from the left to the right):
Plus symbol = Create a new soldering profile
Duplicate file = Duplicate a selected soldering profile
Recycle bin = Delete a selected soldering profile
Floppy disk = Save a selected soldering profile
In the [Search] input field you may search the relevant profile names. The search
begins automatically as soon as the first characters have been entered. All existing
matches are marked in colour.
The soldering profiles have two rows for the definition of the PCB
and of the
. In these rows you may enter the relevant properties, such as
board thickness, high/low component mass and unleaded/leaded solder.
Create a new soldering profile
a) Click on the “plus symbol” on the soldering profile list.
The [Select a profile name] window opens.
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