Safety inspection
Safety inspection
All safety inspections are based on the national worker’s protection regulations, safety regulations and technical
specifications applicable to the country where the machine is deployed.
The owner (operator) (page 13) should arrange for the safety inspections to be performed at specified intervals
according to national rules and regulations.
Due to his training and experience, the skilled person must have sufficient knowledge of excavators and be familiar
with the applicable national worker’s protection regulations, safety regulations and the generally accepted techni-
cal rules so that they can assess the safe condition of the excavator.
The expert must keep his appraisal and evaluation neutral and must not be influenced by personal, economic or
company interests. The inspection is a visual and functional check of all components for condition and complete-
ness and of the effectiveness of the safety devices.
The performance of the inspection must be documented as an inspection report containing at least the following
Date and scope of the inspection indicating all pending checks,
Result of the inspection with a report of the determined faults,
Assessment in respect to starting or continuing operation,
Information on necessary follow-up inspections and
Name, address and signature of the inspector.
The owner/employer (company) is responsible for the observance of the inspection intervals. The acknowledge-
ment and the elimination of the determined faults must be confirmed by the owner/employer in writing, along with
the date, in the inspection report.
The inspection report must be kept on file at least until the next inspection.