Fig. B-2: FRAME EDITOR working screen
The name of the program on which you have just started to work is shown at the top left hand
side. The name of your program is currently „NONAME“ but you can give your program a
more appropriate name when you record it on diskette.
At the top right hand side there is a counter which tells you which step (in this case: FRAME)
your program is just about to process. The cursor is on the middle line of the screen - the input
line - and this line is overbright. The part of your program which comes just before and just
after the frame which has been processed always remains visible.
KODAK S-RA2500 Editing System 1.0 User Manual Page: 36
You’re probably looking for the symbol for the projector which you spent so much time defin-
ing in the SETUP function.
Don’t worry, pressing function key F10 brings the projector up on the screen and this reduces
the size of the working area for entering FRAMES by half. Pressing F10 again restores the
previous screen display. You can therefore choose the screen display which you wish to work
with at any time.
Fig. B-3: Working screen with projector display
Before you start entering program steps, you need to know a little about the symbols used in
the projector display.
KODAK S-RA2500 Editing System 1.0 User Manual Page: 37