screen and SCREENS which are only printed out by means of the printer, when using printers
which have a semi-graphical character set which is incompatible with the computer model used (e.g.
daisywheel printer), be sure not to use boxes to surround text for layout purposes which can only be
handled by compatibl
p r i n t e r s .
A -
The EXECUTE function which can be selected from the main menu makes it possibl
to test a program which is working in its editable form (RUN SOURCE PROGRAM) or pro
rams which have been compiled and saved to diskette (RUN COMPILED PROGRAM) unde
onditions. KODAK S-RA2500 Editing System 1.0 User Manu
Page: 21
The RUN SEQUENCE function in the Frame Editor only executes one program sequence -
branch instructions are not executed, they interrupt the running of the program.
Similarly, all SCREEN instructions are ignored so as to make it possible to monitor the pro-
gram flow with the aid of the projector panel display on a „dry run“ basis.
The RUN SOURCE function which can be selected from the main menu makes it possible to
test the editable program which is in memory under real-time conditions; all program instruc-
tions are executed normally, SCREENS are displayed and user inputs are requested. Any
SCREENS or LABELS (TO addresses) which are missing are indicated by appropriate error message-
s. On subsequent changeover to the FRAME EDITOR, the line containing the incorrect call is auto
atically shown in the displa
A program which is running can be interrupted at any time by pressing <F6>. If the prog
am is to be interrupted while it is waiting for a user input, press the <
C > k e y .
This function can be used to start a compiled information program which is on diskett
without having to quit the Editor and without having to overwrite an information program which is
actually working. Naturally, this is only possible if the computer has sufficient storage ca
acity to accommodate both
KODAK S-RA2500 Editing System 1.0 User Manual
ge: 22
Choosing this function takes the user to a Diskette menu in order to select the program to be
tarted. The operating procedure and the break option are the same as for the RUN SOURC
PROGRAM function. When a program has been interrupted, the compiled program is deleted
from the memory so as to make the entire memory available.