A-5.4 DISK
Apart from the SCREEN EDITOR and the RUN COMPILED PROGRAM functions which
have their own Diskette menus, all diskette storage functions are handled using the DISK
Diskette menu. These functions are as follows:
-SAVE: a source program which is operating is saved to diskette,
-LOAD: a source program is loaded from diskette to main memory,
-MAKE: a source program which is in main memory is compiled and saved to diskette; it
is condensed to roughly 50% of its previous size but
can then no longer be modified. It is therefore good practice to
use the SAVE function to make a backup copy of the editable source
code for each compiled program.
The operating procedure for all the diskette functions described above is identical:
When the relevant function is chosen, an input window appears; this contains a prompt request-
ing the file name for the particular read or write function. In the case of the SAVE and MAKE
functions, the system suggests the last file name used as a default value. At this working level,
any name (up to 8 characters) can be entered and terminated by pressing the ENTER key.
KODAK S-RA2500 Editing System 1.0 User Manual Page: 23
If any function key (except <F1> = help) is pressed at this level, a further window appears; this
contains a selective directory for the active floppy disk drive. Use the cursor keys to select the
desired file name and press the ENTER key to transfer it to the input window. While the
directory is displayed, the active drive can be changed by pressing the appropriate keys (A to
File names must always be entered without extensions because the system automatically man-
ages extensions in order to prevent confusion and mix-ups. The following convention is used
for these automatically assigned extensions:
Source programs: XXXXXXXX.FRM
Compiled programs:XXXXXXXX.RUN
File names may be given a drive designation (A: to D:). If drive designations are used, this
causes the active floppy disk drive to be changed.
A-5.5 EXIT
Choosing this menu item from the main menu allows the user to quit the programming system
and any program which is in memory is lost. The system therefore queries this function and
requests confirmation and, if applicable, displays a prompt reminding the user to save the source p
ogram to diskette before quitting the system.