Start with the number of projectors: you probably have 1 (as stated earlier) rather than 16.
Enter „1“ and use the cursor key to go to the next line. This line states that the projector is connec
ed to the COM1 interface. The only possible change is if you connected your projector to COM2.
Only correct if nece
a r y .
You can ignore the next line because the current version of the Editing System (1.0) does n
t yet provide the facility to control a selectable tape recorder. This is scheduled for a later
a t e .
So, go to the next line. This line states that an auxiliary box is connected to the LPT2 parallel
ort. This is only relevant if you use an auxiliary box for the program-controlled switching of
external equipment. Otherwise, all that remains is the printer; you can define the connection of
the printer and the page length of the last two lines. You can work without a printer but a
printer makes it possible to print out programs and information and this can sometimes be
extremely useful.
Now you’ve reached the end of the questionnaire and the system knows all about your hard-
ware but it does not know what you want to call your hardware. Press the ESC key to quit this
function. This immediately takes you back to the SETUP submenu where there is still the
If you select this item, the projector display appears on the screen. This is a window in which
you can monitor how the projectors respond to your instructions while you are working with
the Frame Editor.
KODAK S-RA2500 Editing System 1.0 User Manual Page: 33
This window displays a small brightly bordered square containing A->a.
This means:
The connected projector is addressed by the name „A“ in your program. Computer enthusiasts
refer to such a designation as a „logical address“. This logical address need not necessarily be
identical to the „physical address“ that you set on the address selector switch of your projector
(according to the Projector Manual). The system optimistically assumes that you set this
switch to „a“ and indicates this assignment by means of the lower case letter after the arrow.
You can change this assignment at any time by simply pressing the letter key (lower case)
which corresponds to the actual setting which you made.
A few examples of this:
Projector address 1 = physical address ‘a’
Projector address 2 = physical address ‘b’