4000 MiD® Instructions, V6695
8. Calibration
The MiD has to be calibrated before any sample analyses can be per-
formed. Sodium Formate (NaOOCH) is used to calibrate the 4000 MiD.
The required solution is 1 mg/mL in 1:1 2-propanol:water. It is recom-
mended that the MiD is recalibrated if known m/z or resolution values
have shifted, an ion guide or ionchip is replaced or the MiD is moved to a
new environment.
It is essential that the solution used for calibration is free of particu-
lates as they can affect the microspray. If filters are used during sample
preparation it is recommended that non-cellulose based filters are used,
for example nylon based 0.22 µm filters.
8.1 Installing the calibration kit
The peaks calibration is performed via SFI by using the KNAUER calibra-
tion kit (A66916) and infusing the appropriate calibration solution directly
from a syringe pump.
If the MiD is turned off, switch it on and pump the instrument down,
as described in the section MiD system pump-down.
Fill the luer lock syringe (A66918) with the calibration solution ensu-
ring there are no air bubbles in the syringe.
Fit the syringe to the syringe pump ensuring the syringe piston is
tightly gripped to the pump barrel.
Disconnect the PEEK tubing from SFI input and waste line ports.
Install the plug (A66917) into the waste line port of the SFI and com-
plete all fluidic connections between the SFI and the syringe (see
Fig. 17
Calibration kit set up
Make sure the connection line is flushed with calibration solution
before connecting the line to the SFI.
8.2 Calibration routine
The calibration of the MiD can be performed via the control software. For
detailed information on the procedure please refere to the correspon-
ding software instructions.
Fingertight plug
Fingertight nut
Syringe adapter