Overview of Command
KIKUSUI Electronics Corp.
PWR-01 Interface Manual
Overview of Command
The information that is exchanged between the controller (PC) and the device
(PWR-01 series) is called a message.
The PWR-01 uses the SCPI language for the messages.
There are two types of messages, commands that are sent from the PC to the
PWR-01 and responses that are sent from the PWR-01 to the PC.
Command Hierarchy
SCPI commands are ASCII-based commands designed for test and measurement
devices. The command hierarchy is structured around the common root or node,
which is the construction block of the SCPI subsystem. A command consists of a
program header, parameters, and punctuation.
The hierarchy is explained using the SOURce subsystem as an example.
Program header
Hierarchy of node
Root node
Second level
Third level
Fourth level
Second level
Third level
Fourth level
Fourth level
A higher node is separated from a lower node using a colon (:).
Command Syntax
This manual denotes SCPI commands using the following format.
[SOURce]:CURRent[:LEVel][:IMMediate][:AMPLitude] {<numeric>|MINi-
SCPI commands can be issued using the short form. The short form of a SCPI
command is the section of the command written in uppercase.
SCPI commands can be sent in the long form or short form. Since SCPI commands
are not case-sensitive, CURR, Curr, and curr are all accepted as the short form of
CURRent. In the long form, CURRENT, Current, and current are all acceptable.
• A space is required between the program header section and the parameter sec-
• Multiple parameters, when available, are concatenated using commas.
• Commands are concatenated using semicolons (compound command).
In the second command, CURRent:SSTart: is omitted. This is because the path is
set to CURRent:SSTart: by the first command CURRent:SSTart:FALL.
This compound command is the same as entering the following commands.
An error occurs if a node that is not defined in the current path is designated.
Commands of different subsystems can be concatenated using a colon and a semi-
colon together.
SYSTem:CONFigure:STARtup:PRIority CV;:VOLTage:SSTart:FALL 25MS
This compound command contains two root nodes, SYSTem and VOLTage.
When the second or subsequent command starts with a colon, the path specified
by the previous command is cleared.
• The maximum number of characters that can be transmitted in a single line is