Command List
KIKUSUI Electronics Corp.
PWR-01 Interface Manual
Clears all event registers including the status byte, event status, and error queue.
Queries the event status register.
Queries the model name, serial number, and firmware version of the PWR-01.
Queries the command that can restore the current panel settings.
Queries the option that are installed in the PWR-01.
Sets the service request enable register.
Queries the contents of the status byte register and the MSS (master summary status)
Command List
Prevents the PWR-01 from executing subsequent commands until all operations in standby
are complete.
Aborts operations such as change and execute sequence in all sequence groups.
Aborts the sequence trigger function.
Aborts the setting change trigger function.
Adjusts the screen brightness.
Resets the panel settings (see *RST) of all the channels in the same multichannel domain.
Trigger command for all the channels in the same multichannel domain.
Aborts modifications and sequence execution on all trigger subsystems (TRANsient/
PROGram) of all the channels in the same multichannel domain.
Sets the current of all the channels in the same multichannel domain.
Starts the sequence trigger function of all the channels in the same multichannel domain.
Starts the setting change (TRANsient) trigger function of all the channels in the same
multichannel domain.
Turns the output on and off of all the channels in the same multichannel domain.
Clears alarms of all the channels in the same multichannel domain.